Sunday, October 11, 2009

On "Fantasy"

This is exactly how I feel about the Harry Potter series. Don't even get me started on the glut of vampire bs on TV right now, and may Twilight and its fans die a horrible fiery death. At least J.K. Rowling isn't a terrible writer whom I might have criticized in the 6th grade.

This trend is like taking the game of golf, adding grooves upon which the balls are meant to travel (all downhill, of course), and calling it golfu. Then, we expose a fan of the actual game of golf to constant golfu advertising and gossip sites and tween girls constantly giggling about the latest golfu star. Just, no. All involved should be shot.

Friday, October 2, 2009

I'll Admit to Dropping Him as a Baby

Brother:   My toes are cold.
Me:         So wear socks.
Brother:   I want toe warmers.
Me:         They're called socks.

Can you believe the law considers this one an adult?