Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fair and Balanced

Most mainstream news media producers feel the need to present both sides of an issue, no matter how ridiculous one side is. This can lead to a shifting of perception of moderate towards the radical argument, because by attempting to maintain the appearance of impartiality, the mere presentation of an argument can legitimize that argument.

The primary function of news media is to generate advertising dollars, but the naïveté of the public cannot be overestimated (I present to you as proof the existence of the Birther movement in the United States), and it irritates me to have extremist viewpoints aired by mainstream news media for the obsolete purpose of appearing impartial. Or perhaps for the purpose of airing ridiculous viewpoints as entertainment.

News can be reported to me in a "boring" fashion. Perhaps it's simply the result of my formative education centering on science, but context, sources, and sometimes even reasoned conjecture are the types of additives I prefer with my news. If the news must be entertaining, the producers should hire writers to throw in some dry humor, and maybe I'll even watch the commercials.

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